The integration and education center was founded by Mr. Adam Anders (Managing Director, Rector and Pedagogical Director) and Mr. Mario Anders (Managing Director).
Mr. Adam Anders and Mario Anders are still before the creation of the integration and education center gUG at the Syrian culture and integration e. V. on the board.
However, since it became clear that the Syrian Culture and Integration e. V. ( is no longer visited only by Syrian people, but has become much more colorful, Adam Anders decided to found the integration and education center gUG together with Mario Anders. Another reason for founding a new society was that the club members were reluctant to change the name. But Adam Anders and Mario Anders wanted to ensure that no one felt excluded from the club name. In the meantime, people from all over the world visit us, e.g. B. Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iran, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Syria and other countries. In addition, the founding of the new company intends to create a place for all people, no matter what social, religious or cultural context they come from. It is important to us to develop a center where everyone is welcome and a lot is achieved together, e.g. B. to develop strategies against racism, to cover gaps in education, to support children, to create art projects, etc.
Donation account:
Sparkasse Essen
Integration and Education Center gUG
IBAN: DE72 3605 0105 0002 1910 88